Saturday, December 13, 2008

Light in the Darkness, Self-Care for the Holidays, and more.

In this issue: Article excerpt: Self-Care for the Holidays (and link to article in full) * Looking for a gift for your loved one? Check out this one! * Ecstatic Presence Empowerment: Light in the Darkness

Self-Care for the Holiday Season

The holidays are upon us.

No matter what your spiritual persuasion, you’re probably going to be finding time within this season of cold days and long nights to gather with family and friends, sit around the feast table, and celebrate some light in the darkness.

What a wonderful thing! But even so, the most joyful season still comes with holiday stress. And, between travel, shopping, parties, and family commitments, many of us don’t take very good care of ourselves in the midst of it all.

During the holidays, most of us eat more – and more poorly. We exercise less. We let our spiritual practices slip. I mean, who has time to meditate? There’s a sale on, and I still have gifts to buy! (Right?)

The result; physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion.

In addition to the basic stressors listed above, the holidays are the loneliest time of the year for many. Depression rates increase in the darker months, and many people experience physical and psychological ills when faced with the prospect of gathering with family. (Ever heard of the Christmas Migraine? It’s a real thing.)

For a change, why not make a pre-New Year’s resolution? Dedicate yourself to defeating the stress and depression many of us associate with this time of year, before it even happens.

Remember your own self-care, and the rest will come easily; pleasure, enjoyment, and a healthful indulgence in the more lovely aspects of the season.

Click here to read the rest of the article!

Give a Gift of Health and Happiness!

Looking for a unique gift that shows how much you care?

Give your loved one the gift of a fresh start to a new year. This three week Body, Mind, and Spirit Renewal program offers your loved one an opportunity to put a new spin on an old celebration.

Super-affordable holiday special; three week Body, Mind, and Spirit Renewal Program: ONLY $149.

This highly personalized program includes three weekly, one-on-one, supportive phone coaching sessions. In addition to phone sessions, your loved one will be given easy to implement actions to complete that will deliver the change they seek.

While you're at it, how about a gift for you?
Maybe you're the one in need of the Body, Mind, and Spirit Renewal program? At this affordable rate, there's no reason not to treat yourself to renewal.

Better yet, you and a loved one can achieve your goals together - and you'll get the second program fee at half price! Consider it my gift of health to you.

Buying for One, or Two? Second Program at Half Price!
Buying as a Gift? Gift note:

Ecstatic Presence Empowerment: Finding Light in the Darkness

The celebration of this season has roots in the timeless, hidden promise of light and warmth that lives within the dark. Even after the longest night of the year is over, winter still holds sway. But the light does begin its ascent to grandeur and glory in the eternal procession of seasons.

With eyes open to this bit of earth-based awareness, you’ll see representations of this ode to light reflected in whatever rituals are performed – be it the hanging of twinkling Christmas lights, the lighting of the Menorah, or the Mshumaa, or the burning of the Yule log.

Each one of these ceremonies bring us to the same moment of invocation of the return of the light, and gratitude for the flickering promise that lives in the kindling of the first spark.

Let this be a chance to invoke the light within as well. Whether you celebrate Solstice on December 20th - 21st, Hanukkah the 21st-29th, Christmas on the 25th, whether you are calling in the light of the Sun, or the light of Christ, conjure it inside of you.

Make time this season to commit to a new light within you! Light a candle and say a prayer. Light a host of candles with loved ones, and voice your dreams for the newly burgeoning light. Let each string of lights be a reminder to awaken to the potential of the coming year. Let each fire glowing in the hearth be a reminder of the power of a return to warmth and light.

Consider yourself empowered.

The Ecstatic Presence Project

705 N. State St. #205, Ukiah, CA, 95482 * 707-293-5153 *

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