Thursday, October 30, 2008

"A Ringing Endorsement - NOT POLITICAL!" - a letter of recommendation from a client

Included in this post: "A Ringing Endorsement - NOT POLITICAL!" - a letter of recommendation from a client

One of my lovely clients, Aletha Schelby, wrote a lovely note about working with me. If you've been thinking of coaching, perhaps her words will speak to you.



Hello dear friends!

I wanted to take a quick moment and introduce you to a person in my life that has made a tremendous impact on me in the short time that I've known (and worked with) her. Six months ago I got an email - much like this one - forwarded from a friend of mine, talking about a woman named LaSara Firefox who was a Life Coach. A Life Coach! I had heard of them, and flirted with the idea of having one, but always thought they were not for People Like Me (boo). But I decided that the Universe was trying to tell me something and so I took the plunge anyway (yay!).

Now, I'm sure I've spoken with most of you about some of the work I've been doing recently for myself, but if I haven't, I'll just summarise: 6 months ago I was sufficiently recovered and reintegrated from my year in India, to start thinking about actually moving forward. I had some thoughts about which direction to move in, but I didn't really trust them, and I didn't trust myself (understatement), and I definitely couldn't imagine how to get myself moving forward.

Bring LaSara onto the scene and I've had a partner and coach since then, leading me through all sorts of challenges - finding a spiritual community, improving my confidence and thus my performance and upward mobility at my job, increasing my capacity to love myself - all personal goals that LaSara helped me define and achieve.

But why tell you this now? Why? Because I just heard that LaSara is currently taking on new clients in her practice, and I thought you might be interested and probably a good match for this work! Or that you would know other groovy people that would be interested. LaSara offers a FREE introductory session for anyone interested in exploring coaching, which I highly highly encourage you to take advantage of if it speaks at all to you.

I can NOT say enough about how much LaSara has influenced and improved my life. Her work is spontaneous yet rigorous, highly adaptable but methodical. Whether your goals are personal, financial, spiritual, or physical - from starting a business to starting to love yourself - LaSara brings her incredible intellect, impressive experience, and always her great big heart to all the work she does.

So go for it! Check out her website!
YOU are WORTH it!!!

Love and sparkles,

Aletha Schelby
Project Manager/Business Analyst (new fancy title coming soon!)
TechSoup Global

The Ecstatic Presence Project * 705 N. State St. #205, Ukiah, CA, 95482 * 707-293-5153 * *

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